Spring Migration at Little Piney Bastrop TX

Tammy Brown



Morning Light

Last week Little Piney was so alive with spring migration that I was up before sunlight listening to birds.  Spring migration at Little Piney Bastrop TX is an exciting time!  Up early every morning, I also got to see the sun rise through backlit trees.


Spring Migration at Little Piney Bastrop Tx

Other birds heard but not seen at Little Piney last week include Swainson’s Thrush, Oven Bird, Yellow Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, and Chestnut-sided Warbler. A cool front seemed to drop them straight into our woods for a couple of days.

White Ibis Flyover

I didn’t even know about the White Ibis until this one flew over!  The bird was very far above,  but can be easily identified by the long curved bill and black wing tips.

Another cold snap is coming tomorrow, so maybe more migrating birds to come!

Spring migration at Little Piney Bastrop TX
White Ibis Flying Over Little Piney

Cedar Waxwings

Cedar Waxwings will soon be migrating North.  Had I not seen this cloud of Cedar Waxwings land,  I would never have noticed them among the pine cones.

Spring Migration at Little Piney Bastrop TX
Cedar Waxwings

Green Kingfisher Pair

One of the year-round treasures at Little Piney is a pair of Green Kingfishers.  I got these photos on Friday morning–the first time I’ve captured both in the same photo.

Spring Migration at Little Piney Bastrop TX
Green Kingfisher
Green Kingfishers Bastrop, Texas
Green Kingfisher Pair on a Snag at Little Piney
Green Kingfisher Pair on a Snag at Little Piney Bastrop TX
Green Kingfisher Pair on a Snag at Little Pine