March Magic–Wildflowers, Wood Ducks, and a Beautiful Hawk

Tammy Brown

March is the magical month at Little Piney! In a few short weeks Little Piney transforms from a gray and brown world of bare branches and dry grass into a bright array of greens almost shocking in intensity. Within this green world are little seas of bluebonnets, hot pink phlox, baby blue-eyes, orange-red paintbrush, and all kinds of yellow flowers. It’s delightful! Below are the highlights of March at Little Piney–Wildflowers, Ducks, Red-shouldered Hawk.

Wildflowers at Little Piney

Spring 2019 is giving us an excellent show of wildflowers at Little Piney and all over Central Texas. Bluebonnets have popped up in new places, and the usual wildflower patches are bigger and thicker than ever!

Mexican Plum

Mexican Plum. March 1

Baby Blue Eyes


texas bluebonnets
Bluebonnet Field in Bastrop TX
texas bluebonnets
Texas Bluebonnets in Bastrop TX Lost Pines
Bluebonnet field in front of large loblolly pine
Bluebonnets in front of Twin Sisters tree

Red-shouldered Hawk Has a Meal

We have a pair of Red-shouldered Hawks who are usually around at Little Piney. One day in early March, we had the pleasure of this hawk’s company for quite a while as he perched and hunted. Finally, he came up with a skink for his dinner. The best of many photos are below.

Red-shouldered Hawk
Success! A Skink

Ducks at the Lake

Blue-winged Teals

This winter it seemed that the ducks were slow in arriving, but when they did settle down on our lake, we had Gadwalls, Blue-winged Teals, an American Wigeon, and Wood Ducks. Just before the Teals left, we counted over 60 one evening as we returned to Little Piney in the canoe.

Wood Ducks

Wood Ducks are the most colorful visitors to the lake. They were here throughout March, one pair is still here.

Wood Duck
Wood Duck Couple

Spring passes so quickly. The bluebonnets give way to waves of yellow until the grass turns brown again in August. Migrating Warblers and Orioles may drop by through early May, then Cardinals reign through the summer. For now, the nest boxes are full of Chickadee and Bluebird eggs, and the fields are glowing with cool blue blooms. Happy Spring, everyone!

Chickadee Eggs in Little Piney Nest Box