Painting Landscapes at Little Piney

Tammy Brown

Painting at Little Piney

Another thing I love about Little Piney is having a quiet, inspiring place to paint.  I have been painting for about 5 years now.  I’m inspired by nature and beautiful landscapes, and at Little Piney I am immersed in both.

Painting Pine Trees

The first day I spent painting landscapes at Little Piney was in early spring before the bluebonnets bloomed.  I set up my easel in the shade to paint my favorite tree, the giant double trunked Loblolly Pine I fell in love with at first sight.  This was the first time I had painted a pine tree.  I discovered I had to adjust my usual approach to accommodate the airy structure of the pine, and focus equally on the shapes of the branches and of the sky between the branches.  I also painted a favorite pine grove that leads to a wooded trail along the cliff above the creek.

Painting Landscapes at Little Piney
Pine Grove
Painting Landscapes at Little Piney
Twin Sisters


Next I painted this landscape of a path through wildflowers and pines with a forest in the distance.  I was getting better with the pine trees.

Painting Landscapes at Little Piney
A Path to Take

In the next painting I focused on simplifying the pine shapes to emphasize the beautiful negative space between the branches.  The title comes from a John Muir quote:  “Between every two pines is the doorway to a new world.”

Painting Landscapes at Little Piney
Between Every Two Pines


Getting There

The latest painting says a lot about the way I feel at Little Piney.  My painting mentor described the painting as “Loose, underworked, fresh!  Very alive.”

He also said “You got there!!!”  I knew exactly what he meant about the painting, and, for me, it’s also about Little Piney.


Painting Landscapes at Little Piney
Morning Glorious