Art Show at Hyde Park Bar and Grill–Texas Landscapes and Bird Paintings from Little Piney

Tammy Brown

Texas Landscapes and Bird Paintings from Little Piney

For the last year and a half, I have been painting expressions of my love for nature, and especially for Little Piney.  In May I had the pleasure of hanging my favorite Texas landscapes and bird paintings from Little Piney in the classic Austin neighborhood restaurant, Hyde Park Bar and Grill.  The center of the old home turned restaurant in the historic Hyde Park neighborhood is walled in wide planks of warm wood,  My paintings look at home there and glow in the gallery-worthy lighting!  Friends and family turned out for the opening reception in a full show of suppport, and my heart felt full.  

It has been a wonderful experience to see my paintings hanging all together in that warm and friendly space where many friends are regular patrons. I’ve received notes from some who have just dined at the restaurant letting my know that they were enjoying my art.  I want to express my gratitude to Hyde Park Bar and Grill and to Anne Ducote for choosing my work and hanging it so expertly.

Texas Landscapes and Bird Paintings from Little Piney
Hyde Park Bar and Grill, Austin TX


Friends and Subscribers Discount on Paintings

Now that the exhibit is nearing it’s close on July 1, many of my paintings need new homes. I have to say it’s difficult to part with some of the pieces, but I also love the thought of my work hanging where people can relate to and enjoy it.  My friends and Lost  Pines Life readers are some of the best homes I can think of for my art.

In order to encourage those of you who have a favorite painting or two or have thought about taking one of these paintings home, I am offering 10%-20% off to blog subscribers and Facebook friends for the next two weeks.

For those of you who don’t live in Austin,  haven’t seen the show, or want a second look, here are the paintings:


Little Piney is a wildlife habitat where I have identified over 120 species of birds over the last 3 years.  I photograph the birds as they fly, feed, perch, and watch me.  My paintings depict birds engaging with the viewer or with each other.  I paint the birds in a way that emphasizes their expressiveness and adds emotion and personality.  In these paintings, the positions and postures imply styles of relating that I see among my clients in group, and between all of us as human beings.  I encourage the viewer to see the creatures we share our space with in a new way.  Fresh perspectives keep us from taking common things for granted.

Scissortails III Oil on canvas 30 x 48 1200. Special price– 960.
Cedar Waxwings II Oil on canvas 24 x 48 1200. Special price– 960.
Phoebe Oil on canvas 12 x 12 250  Special price– 212.


Monday through Thursday, I work with clients in my psychotherapy practice in Austin; Friday through Sunday I am in the Lost Pines of Bastrop photographing, exploring, and painting the landscape and creatures of my home in the woods, Little Piney,  I see the landscape of the mind and the landscape of the Earth as reflections of each other and feel blessed to be so closely connected with both in my work. I experience the natural world as an endless source of wisdom and peace, rich in healing power, necessary for spiritual and emotional health.  I hope to invite the viewer into a close encounter with individual beings in nature.  

Beyond Oil on canvas 16 x 20 450. Special price–400.
Sunset Pines Oil on canvas 20 x 24 450.  Special price–400.


Dusk Oil on canvas 12 x 12 250 Special price–212.  SOLD
Leaning In II 12 x 16 Oil on canvas 250. Special price–212.

Tree Portraits

Trees are a favorite subject for me.  Trees provide ready metaphors for strength, adaptability, flexibility, shelter, and nurture as well as demonstrating the cycle of life and death.   Observing the trees at Little Piney throughout the days and seasons, I notice that they each have a time of day and year when they most come alive with light.  My latest paintings are intimate portraits of trees captured in that moment of magic.  Each tree tells its history through the twists and turns of trunks and branches and projects a unique personality through the painting.  I get to know my subjects well through many visits and observations before I paint them from photographs in the studio, and I often paint them several times.

Ancient One Oil on canvas 36 x 24 650. Special price–550.
Ancient Two Oil on panel 16 x 24 350. Special price–315.
Backlit Pine Oil on canvas 24 x 20 400. Special price–320.
Last Light II Oil on canvas 30 x 24 700. Special price–400.
Creek Bottom Cedar Oil on canvas 24 x 18 450. Special price 400.


Last Light I Oil on canvas 24 x18 400. Special price–320.

Upcoming Show

My next Austin exhibit will be a three artist show called Serenity Meets City at the Old Bakery and Emporium, 1006 Congress Avenue, August 3 – September 4.




